For the AAPI community


To our ACPI/AAPI community, we're standing here with you. You belong here. We love you.

As an Asian-owned small business, Vancouver has been a great city to us. We've had a a lot of local support and we're proud to call Vancouver home. Vancouver's history is shaped by generations of the Asian diaspora before us. But the generations that came before us were no stranger to violence and discrimination in the place they called home. We encourage you to learn about what they faced.

Over the past year, the rise of violence and hate crimes against Asians across the globe has left us deeply saddened, angry, and scared for our community, our safety and the mental health of our loved ones. We can no longer stay silent, and we must come together to stand up against Asian hate at the hands of White supremacy. Enough is enough.

03/19 through 03/22, we will be donating 100% of net profits to the Support the AAPI Community Fund. Donations will support organizations that empower and uplift the AAPI community, with initiatives such as increased community safety and support for those affected by violence.

Please join us in supporting these organizations, and in standing in solidarity with the Asian community. 

With love,
Team Amoda


Where We're Donating

The AAPI Community Fund

A horrific and heartbreaking surge in violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) is happening across the US. Too often, these attacks are ignored and underreported.

Together, it is our responsibility to condemn these violent acts and create lasting social change. We must amplify AAPI voices and find ways to uplift, empower, and protect the AAPI community. 

The Support the AAPI Community Fund aims to do just that, addressing the urgent issues that face the AAPI community as well as broader, systemic problems. With the donations received through the Fund, will issue grants to trusted AAPI organizations working to rectify the racial inequalities in our society.

To donate directly: The AAPI Community Fund 


To Learn More